How to Set Up
1. Prepare
Ensure the substrate is properly leveled with a layer of sub-base Type 1 (6cm to 8cm, depending on the project) before laying the InstaSlab.
Optionally, add a 1-2cm sand bed between the substrate and InstaSlab to enhance load distribution.
2. Lay & Fix
Unfold the InstaSlab to cover the entire project area. Secure the concrete fabric to the substrate by hammering the provided pegs through the eyelets on the InstaSlab.
For installations on rock or concrete, use masonry bolts to secure the slab.
3. Hydrate
Ensure even hydration by spraying a minimum of 3.5 liters of water per square meter evenly across the surface of the InstaSlab.
Wait 24 hours for InstaSlab to cure and harden.
What is InstaSlab
InstaSlab is a flat-packed concrete slab that replaces 150 mm of conventional concrete with reduced materials and environmental footprint.
It revolutionizes the process of constructing concrete slabs for small to medium projects using Concrete Canvas, a revolutionary material made in the UK with a lifespan of 120 years.
InstaSlab is the ideal solution for a robust and durable concrete base for lightweight infrastructure such as sheds, office pods, greenhouses, water tanks, containers, and more. Contractors, construction managers, DIY enthusiasts, and shed builders have embraced it for its efficiency, bidding farewell to cumbersome construction methods.
Save up to 50% compared to conventional concrete.
Less digging - Short installation time
InstaSlab requires just the removal of turf which is 8-10 cm from the top soil. This leads to less excavation time and quicker project handovers
InstaSlab sets in 24-hours and any lighweight infrastructure can be placed right away after hardening.

Installation under any weather conditions
InstaSlab’s material is designed for all-weather installation, making it even more effective in rainy conditions—the more water, the better.

Excellent weed suppression
Our innovative material is certified for 120+ years and perfect for weed suppression which provides extra piece of mind to your customers.

Does InstaSlab need a certain foundation or can it be placed anywhere?
If the ground where you want to place the InstaSlab is already compacted and levelled, the InstaSlab can be placed directly on the ground. However if it is on soft soil or grass, it is advised to remove the grass and top 10-15 cm of soil and replace it with compacted type 1 substrate to create a level and compact surface for placement. InstaSlab's job is to transfer the load to the ground. The better prepared the ground is, the longer the InstaSlab will last and the more weight it can hold.
Can the InstaSlab be used as a walkway / for walking surfaces?
It is not advised to use InstaSlab by itself for walking surfaces because it becomes slippery when wet. However, it can be used as a surface to lay permanent walking surfaces on, such as paving tiles. It can also be painted with a rubberized material to create great walking surfaces. (i.e. Car park entrance pathway)
How durable is InstaSlab?
The InstaSlabs are made of a Concrete Canvas material called CCT1, which has a BBA (British Board of Agrément) Certification for a lifespan of 120 years. The initial hydration is the key indicator of longevity, the slabs need at least 3.5 litres of water per square metre during installation. For further details download our datasheet.
How much load can an InstaSlab carry?
The InstaSlabs are made of a Concrete Canvas material called CCT1, which has been tested and deployed in civil construction projects for over 20 years. The material has a compressive strength of 45 MPa or 4,500 Tonnes/m2. Although this seems a massive load capacity due to its thickness the structural capabilities are limited. Therefore, when used as a slab we rely on the bearing capacity of the substrate to work together with the slab.
How can the InstaSlab hold so much weight when it is so thin?
While thin, it has a durable 3D fibre matrix holding in pockets of cement, creating very high strength for its thickness. In the case of extreme pressure, the 3D fibre matrix will deform, changing shape but maintaining most of the structural integrity by keeping the cracking events compartmentalised within the matrix pockets. This is different from traditional concrete where cracks will permanently compromise its structural integrity by propagating through time.
Can the InstaSlab be used as a driving/parking surface?
We do not recommend our InstaSlabs for moving cars. When turning, the friction of the wheels turning can damage the fibre on top of the material. Over time, this will expose the interior 3D fibre matrix creating a permanent damage to the material.
How does an InstaSlab foundation compare to a traditional concrete foundation in price and in time to install?
Our experience tells us that when contracting a small concrete slab through builders a traditional concrete slab can cost upwards of £60 per square metre. This includes all the hidden costs like transport, skips, and others. In contrast, InstaSlabs cost around £41 per square metre, including shipping and VAT, with no extra hidden cost, material waste, or long waiting periods. While an InstaSlab is always ready to use within 24 hours, traditional concrete can take up to 2 to 3 weeks to cure and be ready to use. Additionally, pouring a traditional concrete foundation usually takes much more time and physical labour.
What health and safety precautions should I take when handling InstaSlab?
General PPE precautions for concrete should be taken; face masks, protective clothing and gloves should be worn when handling CC. CC does not contain measurable amounts of soluble chromium (VI) and is not classified as an irritant. Consult the CC & CCH (M)SDS document here for more information. InstaSlab does not contain any asbestos.
What type of lightweight structures can go on top of the InstaSlab?
The InstaSlab is designed to support lightweight structures such as sheds, green houses, summer houses, small log cabins, horse shelters, dog runs, containers, water tanks, oil tanks, etc. For more detailed information, contact us with your specific needs.
Deploy currently offers 5 different sizes to suit your needs.
This guide is intended to help you be more comfortable whilst using this product. Download here.
This guide is intended to help you be more comfortable whilst using this product. Download here.