Basiskele - Hatay Defne
Defne, Turkiye
Disaster Relief Case Studies
Designed for rapid deployment and easy transport, the tank ensures a stable and clean water supply, empowering relief efforts and safeguarding communities when they need it the most.
Basiskele - Hatay Defne
14,000 Litre Water Tank Bundle x 2
Emergency Water Supply, Potable Water Systems
Ready to Use in 1 Day
Basiskele, Kocaeli, Turkiye
This case study examines the rapid installation of our 14R Bundle in Basiskele - Hatay Defne after a devastating earthquake struck Turkiye on February 6, 2023. The earthquake severely damaged the region's infrastructure, causing a water shortage and posing a significant risk to the affected population. To address this urgent situation, Deploy’s tank was installed overnight, hydrated with a fire hose by our installation team and volunteers. In one day, the tank was fully installed and ready to use the next day. In this case, our 14R Bundle demonstrates the effectiveness of our 14R Bundle in emergency situations, where it can be utilized to ensure the provision of water during disasters.
The displacement campsite accommodated 400 tents and more than 5,000 people, including mobile officers, police, and visitors. The camp had different sections within the campus, such as different toilet and sanitation stations, a soup kitchen, a school, an infirmary, and an inflatable hospital. They acquired smaller sizes of plastic water tanks to be assigned to each individual functional unit. For example, a 3-tonne capacity plastic tank was assigned to the school. The Deploy tank served as the central distribution point for the smaller units. The water tanker, which came daily, filled up the Deploy tank to store the majority of the water and then managed the distribution to the smaller units.
Installation Challenges
1. The floor was covered with gravel. The installation team made sure to remove the sharp-edged gravel before laying InstaSlab and before inflating the tank to prevent any damage to the InstaSlab or the tank.
2. The installation was performed during nighttime with extended flashlights and with the help of car headlights.
3. The material Deploy uses (Concrete Canvas) prefers to be hydrated with a light showering effect. In this case, the tank was hosed with a fire engine-type hose. To ensure that the water penetrates the material, extra hydration was provided the same night and the next day.
4. An excavator was utilized to access the inside of the tank and assemble the roof infrastructure due to a lack of ladders at the campsite.